What is BETA?
BETA stands for: "Better Education Through Arts."
Its idea fits into the category of Education and Social Entrepreneurship. It is a Moroccan Social organization with the aim to empower moroccan kids to create a positive change in the community and to work in collaboration with different stakeholders to transform school and universities into hubs of creativity and social innovation.
"We want to build a community of exceptional leaders who create change within classrooms and across society."
Our Approach:
We want to impact students to decide their future, take action, encourage innovations and build a movement of future Leaders by raising awareness about different topics and issues in Morocco and around the World, crafting future citizens who believe in values like Tolerance, Coexistence and Global Citizenship and engaging them to take action to make a positive change in the community.
Using our approach to Global Citizenship Education, our team of professional educators and volunteers will:
- Raise awareness about sustainable development goals through our Art programs: Bringing curriculum-relevant Art programs to schools and universities.
- Organize trainings, events, conferences and Tours: Find innovative solutions to different social challenges.
- Take action to make a positive change: Engage in various activities to advance the role of youth in making a positive change in Morocco.
Our Values:
Our values of Leadership, Global Citizenship, Innovation, Creativity, Collaboration and Commitment will guide everything that we do, from the recruitment process to the development of our programs first in Morocco and eventually in multiple African countries throughout the years.
All of our work will involve partnerships with schools, universities, charities, businesses and individuals who share our vision that no child's success is limited by their background in order to impact the whole society through Education.

What we Do?
BETA is all about crafting change makers by collaborating with schools, universities, charities and volunteers to deliver the very best visual arts classes, trainings and workshops for kids and youth in school and universities around Morocco.

Why we Do it?
BETA Changemakers aims to raise awareness about social and environmental problems in Morocco and to engage kids and youth to find entrepreneurial and innovative solutions to these problems by empowering them to catalyse social change and providing them with skills, opportunities and a network of like-minded changemakers.

How we Do it?
We bring Art classes and social activities to kids in schools and youth in universities and we provide well-trained teachers and volunteers who will help inspire them to understand social problems in their communities, dreamstorm ideas to solve them and take action to make a positive change.

Who do we Work with?
BETA Change Makers will start programs in schools in Kenitra and Rabat.
You want your school to be listed? Consider bringing BETA Change makers programs to it by contacting us at: betachangemakers@gmail.com